New Sarepta Community High School


Student Services

NSCHS Student Services/Counselling

At NSCHS our Student Services/Counselling department is committed to assisting students both academically and personally to ensure each student’s school experience is positive. Please schedule an appointment to see Mrs. Auger. Her counselling hours are posted on her office door. Parents may wish to contact Mrs. Auger at 780–941–3924 ext. 223 or [email protected] 

Educational Counselling

  • Appropriate course selection
  • Support for students with special needs
  • Educational alternatives
  • Planning for post-secondary pre-requisites
  • Referrals to educational consultants and reading specialists

Post-Secondary and Career Counselling

The Values, Interest, Planning (VIP): Career Exploration and Planning program at New Sarepta Community High School is designed to help students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 explore and choose careers based on their values, interest and strengths.  These sessions take place in classrooms. Session times and topics vary depending on the grade level. It is evident from the research that students have a great deal of anxiety around career planning because they do not have the necessary skills, or know their interest and strengths, to explore careers and make an educated, confident choices.  They also require information about graduation requirements and financial support. Career exploration and planning, needs to be viewed by adolescents as a lifelong process rather than a stage where they have to make a definite decision.  The overarching goal of this program is to help students confidently prepare and transition from high school to the workplace.

In addition, we can help students with:

  • Calendars and web-site information for universities, colleges and technical schools
  • Scholarship and bursaries information/applications
  • Post-secondary and career planning
  • Vocational interest inventories
  • Use of “MyBlueprint” and “MyPass”

Personal Counselling

Counselling is available. Issues may include:

  • Self-esteem
  • Grief and loss
  • Substance abuse
  • Personal health and safety
  • Family and peer relationships
  • Sexuality
  • Stress and conflict management