New Sarepta Community High School


School Council

The most recent meeting minutes are located at the bottom of this page

A Message from Parent Council for Parents

From our School Council and Parent Advisory Association 

1. Last year some of the fundraising money went towards purchasing Gatorade
and Granola Bars that were given to students who were on sports teams, band
and drama for one of their events with the purpose to build morale and provide
an extra snack to get through their event. These were much appreciated by

The school council is just asking for donations of Gatorade (we’ve now collected enough granola bars) to continue running this program. Please drop off at the office if you’re able to contribute to this 

There have been so many generous donations, Thank you so much! 

2. Thank you to the parent volunteers who are contributing to a potluck meal for teachers at Parent Teacher interviews on October 18th! Food is a wonderful way of showing appreciation to the staff of NSCHS and is always well received. 

If you would like to contribute to future staff meals, please contact one of the School Council executive members.

School Council

Our NSCHS (Parent) Council provides an opportunity for parents, students, teachers and community members to provide input, in an advisory capacity, to the administration of our school.  Our School Council members meet on a monthly basis to discuss and collaborate on enhancing student learning and fostering the well-being and efficacy of our teaching and learning community.

All members of our school community are encouraged to attend and participate.

A school council is mandatory for all schools in Alberta.

Parent Association

Our NSCHS Parent Advisory Association is our fund-raising volunteer parent organization that retains an Alberta Gaming License.  Our Parent Association continues to fund many valuable aspects of our school’s learning community and activities.

For any inquiries or questions email [email protected]

School Council Executive for 2023/2024

Blackgold Trustee: Esther Eckert

Principal: David Holbrow

Teacher Representative: Michelle Haveroen

Chair: Sherry Kroszer

Vice Chair: Michelle Harper

Treasurer: Michelle Kadatz

Secretary: Michelle Kadatz

Fundraising Coordinator: Kayla Soch

Casino Coordinator: Ashley Rouncville

The Parent Council has had some successful fundraisers this year. Little Caesar’s, Purdy’s Chocolate and Coco Brooks.

2023/2024 Meeting Dates are as follows:  

  • September 13
  • AGM November 8 – New Executive will be voted in. Consider volunteering or nominating someone at this meeting
  • December 13
  • February 21
  • March 13
  • April 10
  • May 8
  • June 12 

All meetings are held at 7:00pm in the school staffroom. 

List of activities Parent Advisory Association (PAA) provided financial support:

NSCHS is thankful to receive PAA support in the following areas:

  • Drama festival
  • Music festival
  • Party Program
  • Community Initiative Funding (CIF) Grant applications
  • Music equipment
  • Home Ec. Equipment
  • Archery Equipment
  • Sporting Equipment
  • Computer and projector
  • Small Engines
  • Aeroponics and Student Innovation
  • Student sponsorship
  • Subsidize students who are chosen to attend the Forum for Young Albertans & The Forum for Young Canadians.
  • School Signage
  • Miscellaneous program enhancement supplies

Requests are submitted to School Council through our Administrator, Mr. David Holbrow, for us to consider funding.

School Council is an effective way for parents to communicate with not only members of council but with the school administration, teachers, Black Gold representatives and our School Trustee.

Click here for the March 13th School Council Minutes

Click here for the March 13th PAA Minutes

Click here for the April 10th School Council Minutes

Click here for the April 10th PAA Minutes

Click here for the May 8th School Council Minutes

Click here for the May 8th PAA Minutes