New Sarepta Community High School


Knowledge and Employability

Some of our junior high students, for various reasons, have not built up enough strength or skill in certain areas of their learning to be successful.  For grades 8 and 9, Knowledge and Employability (K&E) is an option.  The materials and the expectations of K&E is to develop skills that the student has not gained.  Once a student has caught up to the expectations of the other courses, they can transfer back.  This often happens starting grade 10.

Parents of grade 7 students who have shown potential gaps will be contacted by our teachers to discuss the possibility as they enter grade 8.

Students choosing senior high Knowledge and Employability (K&E) courses typically wish to enhance their academic and occupational competencies and gain successful transition into employment and/or continuing education and training opportunities.  Some students taking K&E courses may qualify for a Certificate of High School Achievement or they may continue their studies to qualify for an Alberta High School Diploma.  More information about the K and E program can be found at: